7 principles for building better cities.

Today while we try to combat the climate changes, we have a idea about the problem where the main villain of the situation is the oil companies but this idea is not entirely correct because the problem is also ourselves and how we live.

The villain its called sprawl and the key attribute is that it isolates people. It segregates people into economic enclaves and land-use enclaves. It separates them from nature. It doesn't allow the cross-fertilization, the interaction, that make cities great places and that make society thrive. For example, in California the highest carbon emission comes from vehicles. we were talking about how do you fix it once we broke it -- clean the air. Why not just stop polluting? Why not just use our feet and bikes more? And that's a function of the kinds of cities that we shape. In China the government make to 7 principles for building better cities, from these principles rescues the preservation of the natural environment, history and critical agriculture and mixed income, mixed age groups and the mixed use of land. In addition to promoting walking in the city, creating the necessary conditions for this, the incentive to use the bicycle in the city, the creation of more cycleways to regulate the use of the car and finally the focus on better transit and the public road of the city.

In Santiago the situation is similar to that of California because the people who live in the periphery of the city dont have access to the public transport and this causes the use of vehicles to increase but If only a third of the people have cars in Santiago, why do we give 100 percent of our streets to cars? What if we gave 70 percent of the streets to car-free, to everybody else, so that the transit could move well for them, so that they could walk, so they could bike? we need to change certain daily habits for the benefit of the environment and make political decisions that generate more efficient ways of transit in the city.

 In conclusion, cities work best with a geographic equity transportation system and we must change some aspects of the way we live, because many of our customs make environmental pollution continue in one course and increase.


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